Sunday, April 21, 2013

2013-4-20 Pisa and Florence

Our tour today was something of an ordeal.  It started at 8 in the morning and we returned to the ship at 6 p.m. and did a lot of walking. We saw the Uffizi Museum this time. It is fine but I liked the statues out front better than the museum itself. The museum has some famous paintings, such as the Venus Rising from the Sea. I can’t remember the exact name but we have all seen it many times.

Pisa was all new to us. It was raining lightly but no problem for touring. We also saw a panoramic view of Florence that was new to us. There are many statues of the David around town.  I also did a panoramic view of Pisa and a collage of both Pisa and Florence.

We saw some amazing sights. We are happy we did it but we won’t go there again. It was just too difficult I will post a few composite pictures.

We still talk about the chocolate mint gelato we bought in Florence.