Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2013-4-2 And the doctor said...

I have a very annoying bump on the side of my tongue. I would post a picture of it but I'm sure you would rather not see it. I have had it since my tongue swelled up from an allergy before Christmas. I bit it very badly several times and it just keeps getting bigger.

Bill was concerned that it might be cancer but the doctor said it's just an irritating nuisance. It won't go away on it's own and it is infected. So, I have 60 days worth of antibiotics to take with me on the cruise. The course of true cruising never runs smooth. There is no time for surgery to repair it so the doctor gave me the medication to keep it down until we get home. 

We can only take two bags this time. And, we have to pay for each bag. That's a good thing if you own stock in United Airlines. We are packing and unpacking our bags trying to get below 50 pounds each. In addition, Bill is taking our new laptop and I will carry a big bag of pills.

The weather forecast is in the 60's for the next ten days so I am bringing a jacket. We are debating whether or not to bring an umbrella and binoculars.

We don't have to haul any books this time as we both have Kindles now.  I am taking my Ipad, too, and will try to take some pictures with it. I got the Ipad free with our new furnace. That's how you know you overpaid for your furnace, they give you a free Ipad.

Here the eight books I downloaded from the library:
1. Cult Insanity by Irene Spencer (about those crazy Mormon cults)
2. I Remember Nothing by Nora Ephron
3. Sugar Nation by Jeff O'Connell
4. Drift by Rachel Maddow
5. Shiloh, 1862 by Winston Groom
6. Welcome to Your Brain by Aamode and Wang
7. 1812 by Borneman
8. Mansion of Happiness by Lepore

Here is the bad thing about reading books on a Kindle: no one can see the title. If I had a hard copy of Rachel Maddow's book, for example, I could wave it around and start a conversation with it. Now, I will have to do the hard way by asking, "By the way, do you like Obama?"

I think half the people on this cruise will be from Australia and Canada but they will still have strong opinions about Obama.

If that doesn't get things going, I can show them my tongue.