Wednesday, November 18, 2015

2015-11-18 Another Day in Paradise

This is our second day in Barcelona. We stayed on the ship except for visiting the Duty Free shops and buying presents for our friends and family at home.  I bought some decorated fans for the little girls. Well, one of the girls is taller than me but I still think of them as little.

I went swimming and met a couple who live in a motor home most of the year and take a cruise once in a while. He has developed a vision problem called birdshot vision. It’s a low incidence condition with no known cause and no cure.  This is the fifth person with serious vision problems that we have met on board the ship. It seems to be a coincidence as they don’t know each other.

We watched two movies in our room and took it easy. We both made resolutions to eat only fish and vegetables but at dinner I ended up with the lasagna and Bill had pork and potatoes. The best laid plans of mice and men go awry on the Lido deck.

Tomorrow we are going to visit Palma de Mallorca. Michael Douglas lives there and has made a documentary about the area. We are skipping this one as there are no buses for scooters.  The captain just announced that we will be leaving Mallorca an hour early in order to make it to Rome before bad weather sets in.

We have been blessed with clear, sunny weather for the last two weeks. The pool must have been 90 degrees today. But, all good things come to an end.