Thursday, May 16, 2013

2013-5-16 Vigo, Spain

We went off the ship during a minor shower to visit a shopping mall just a few steps away.  On the elevator, a lady with a British accent commented that we are having Scottish weather.

Bill wanted to look for a way to fix his scooter and I was keen on buying some more Panadol. There is a Farmacia so I bought two boxes of Panadol for 2.50 Euros a box for 12 pills. I asked the pharmacist how it compares to Tylenol. He said it is the same composition but I think it helps more with pain. My knees have been bothering me for the last few days.

Vigo is famous for sculptures of people on the street and there are two of them in the port area. 

Those are silhouettes of a couple standing near the statue of the woman and baby. 

The shopping center next door has free internet but Bill is afraid of using it so I am restricted to the ship internet. There are all the usual restaurants and shops plus a shop that caters to homesick Americans who want their usual snacks. I don’t know who would choose Fruity Pebbles over the European pastry and candy.

Bill finally settled on trying to use a soda pop can lid to fill in the gap in the steering column of his scooter. He bummed one from Martin, a steward on the Lido deck and broke off a small piece with the vise grips we borrowed. He thinks that the scooter is fixed but we are still going to take it easy.