Thursday, May 2, 2013

2013-5-3 More Pickpockets

Our dinner partners described how they lost their credit cards and about 100 Euros in Palermo. They were in a shopping area when a woman came out of a store and offered small drink samples on a tray. They each accepted a sample. Our friend said someone must have opened the zipper on her purse and removed the smaller purse with her money and credit cards while she was distracted. She didn’t notice until she tried to pay for something and her purse was already open. She knew she had zipped it closed.

This couple is from Australia. The ship allowed them to charge some Euros to their ship card. The ship staff is going to set up a phone call with their bank and help them get them more credit.

We have also heard that children come up and beg for money. After you get the money out to give to them, the pickpockets know where you keep it and how to access it.

Last year, I bought a steel belted fanny pack at REI. It has three zippered compartments that can be locked together to a steel ring. Bill and I both carry a key to protect against locking the key in the fanny pack. I feel safe from the usual kind of pickpocket. Bill doesn’t carry anything except Kleenex. So, if he is found wandering around, no one will know who in the heck he is.

Bill talked to a man who didn’t get his luggage before the ship sailed from Florida. He said the ship staff gave him an emergency clothing kit.

We are sailing into Santorini right now. The ship staff opened all the forward viewing decks. On the 5th level, they are serving coffee, orange juice and Santorini rolls. They are soft rolls with orange and custard fillings. Just another devious ploy to get me to gain weight.  It seems to be working or my pants are all shrinking because of the sea air.

There are at least three other big ships in the harbor area so the island will be full today. We can’t dock so we will be tendered in to port.