Tuesday, May 14, 2013

2013-5-14 Malaga and the Picasso Museum

We are finally allowed to touch things around the ship, so we must be past the Norovirus. Finally.

One of our tablemates is an historical re-enactor. He damaged his hearing by standing next to too many cannons. So, now he does a one man show about individual participants in the Civil War. He has a strong interest in history and so do Bill and I. We discovered that we all love the series of books written by Patrick O’Brian. The books focus on the Napoleonic wars around 1800. He gave me some new insights into Napoleon. I have a French ancestor named after Napoleon so this is really interesting to me.

We went to see the Picasso Museum. It was well done. Picasso was born in Malaga but didn’t live there as an adult. The city was given some of his works by a female relative. Photography is not allowed inside the museum.

We had to take an elevator in and out of the building because of the steps. They led us through the basement which is an archaeological dig. There are foundations dated from the Phoenicians and the Romans and on through the years.

We took the following pictures outside the museum.

The stadium below was built for bull fighting.