Friday, December 4, 2015

2015-12-3 Cagliari, Sardinia

Bill and I both have a tiny bit of DNA from Sardinia so I was eager to get off the ship and see the Homeland.  Well, one of the homelands.

It was cold until after noon. Christmas stores with junky toys and souvenirs are open in the old area of the city. I found one that carried hats and gloves as well as souvenirs. Bill has a warm hat but I only had a visor so I bought myself a warm hat and I bought gloves for both of us. They didn’t take credit cards but would accept dollars. We never exchanged our currency and are getting along very well with dollars. I had a $20 dollar bill and they took it for the entire purchase. And, they threw in a little Christmas decoration!

Here is a word of warning to anyone who wants to travel this area on a scooter. The bus was fine but the streets themselves were difficult. We had a heck of a time getting around in the old area of Cagliari. There is an elevator to get up to the higher ground but we never made it that far. There are decorative cobblestones that are in pretty bad shape with lots of pieces missing or damaged.  There are a few curb cutouts but they don’t work well.

Everyone was very kind and helped us cross the streets and so on. The lights were very short and we barely got started before the lights changed. However, traffic waited for us to get across. No one honked or yelled at us.