Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012-1-8 Aqua

I haven’t had any luck uploading pictures since we left the hotel but I will try again when I find an Internet café. I decided to swim in the ship’s pool for the first time in my life. The average age on this ship has got to be 75 so I figured the pool would not be full. 

At 9 a.m., there was a water exercise class. The pool isn’t big but since I am tall, I had a section pretty much to myself. The director gave us a pretty good workout. If I remember any of the moves, I will share them with my pool friends when I get home. 

There was a special lunch put on today by the Indonesian crew. It was a little spicy. They have their own chef on board. The carbs they serve are taro and rice. The dessert was banana fritters. Tonight is another formal night. Not our favorite but we dress up and go anyway. 

We have made some friends on board and always have a great discussion at dinner. My favorite couple so far are both physicists from Canada. There are at least two other couples on board who are from Utah. We met one couple from Holiday during the lifeboat drill. He had on a Utah hat. 

After dinner, there is a show in the big lounge. We have seen only the comedian and the Olympic gymnast so far. We went to several lectures about the ports and about the history of the Hawaiian Islands. 

There is a husband and wife lecture team on board. She specializes in astronomy and bird watching--two of my favorites. Her husband lectured today on aircraft carriers and the battle of Pearl Harbor, which Bill really enjoyed. 

Yesterday, we played Team Trivia with another couple. Our team finished in the middle but only because the other couple is from Britain. Most of the questions were about Australia, Canada and hockey. The only question I answered correctly was that Napoleon’s last word on his death bed was “Josephine” but no one believed me so we didn’t write it down.

We are watching the movie, “Like Water for Chocolate”. Yesterday, they played the final “Harry Potter” movie. The day before that was “Super 8”. The only news channel that has been available so far is Fox News, which is badly misnamed as there is very little news. They will probably have thorough coverage of the primary battles, though. We signed up to take an 8 hour tour of the island of Oahu on Tuesday. We will eat lunch at the Polynesian Cultural Center.